Our Parish
Latin Mass—Saturdays at 5 p.m​
At 5:00 p.m. every Saturday, amid the sweet smell of incense, the ancient and serene tones of Gregorian chant can be heard at Church of the Advent in their original context: a Latin Mass. The Latin Eucharist at Church of the Advent provides a contemplative alternative to the more active styles of worship which have been emphasized by the Episcopal Church in recent decades, and also continues a little-known strand of Anglican tradition. In addition to the vernacular Prayer Book adopted by the Anglican Church at the Reformation, the use of Latin continued in various places, especially Oxford University. The Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer appeared in a Latin edition in 1560, and Latin versions of the prayer book continued to be produced up until the nineteenth century.
The Latin Mass at Church of the Advent provides a truly Anglican via media, unique in the Bay Area, with the readings, sermon, and intercessions in English, while all the other prayers and the traditional psalm and scripture verses (the “minor propers”) are sung in Latin. If you are watching on the livestream, you can download the Mass Booklet for Ordinary Time here. The bulletins for each individual Mass can be found on the "Liturgies" page on this website. The livestream link, via our Facebook page, is here:

Latin Chant Mass