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The Third Sunday Series: Choral Mass Settings


Our Third Sunday Series features choral settings of the Ordinary of the Mass, ranging from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries. This wonderful repertoire of music—not heard nearly often enough today—was begun by Guillaume de Machaut, who composed his Messe de Nostre Dame in 1364, intended to be sung regularly in Reims Cathedral in France. This groundbreaking step ensured that the Mass would never be the same again. The genre has attracted a wide variety of composers—of many faiths—over the centuries, all keen to make a contribution to the repertoire. Latin Masses in England continued until 1547 and the reign of Edward VI. Then, following the Reformation, Anglican composers set the Service of Holy Communion, originally in unison—as in the Merbecke setting we sing during Lent—and later using polyphony. Latin returned under Edward’s half-sister Mary I from 1553–58 but, following her death, the Anglican Church finally came into its own under the third sibling, Elizabeth I, the most pragmatic of the three. For some time, the composing emphasis focused on settings of the canticles heard at Morning and Evening Prayer. However, the nineteenth century saw the composition of many settings of Holy Communion with organ accompaniment, a tradition that continues to this day. It also saw the rise of the Oxford Movement—a tradition we proudly continue today at Church of the Advent of Christ the King—where Latin Mass settings were again encouraged at the Anglican Mass. The selections at our Third Sunday Series will be drawn from both Latin Masses and Anglican settings of Holy Communion, giving true musical voice to our twenty-first century calling as Anglo-Catholics.


Paul Ellison


High Mass is at 11 am each month. 

The Propers of the Mass are sung in Latin to Gregorian Chant.

A Reception follows in Lathrop Hall


Third Sunday Series Choral Masses: 2025


March 16                                 Missa Tertia, Hassler (Lent II)

April 20                                    No setting: Easter Day                  

May 18                                     Missa Aeterna Christi munera, Palestrina (Easter V)

June 15                                     Holy Communion Service in B-flat, Stanford (the Most Holy Trinity)

June 19 (Thursday)                 Missa Papae Marcelli, Palestrina (the Feast of Corpus Christi)

August 15 (Friday)                  Missa Assumpta est Maria, Palestrina (the Feast of Assumption of Our Lady)


Schola Adventus

Jennifer Ashworth, Lauren Carley, David Alban, James Monios

Director of Music: Dr Paul Ellison 

Regular Services


6:00pm Evening Prayer

6:30pm Low Mass


12:00pm Low Mass

6:00pm Evening Prayer


5:00pm Latin Mass

Live-streamed on Facebook


11:00am High Mass

Live-streamed on Facebook


6:00pm Evening Prayer

6:30pm Low Mass


8:00am Low Mass

6:00pm Evening Prayer


12:00pm Low Mass

6:00pm Evening Prayer

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